donderdag 7 mei 2009

Vijf linkjes


1. Mijn politieke essay uit 2003, De staat van Nederland: tussen 'tof' en 'tough'. Helaas - het archief loopt nu vanaf 2006. Mail me bij interesse...

2. Een interview met mij (Engels) op Thomas Ligotti Online.

3. Mijn Engelse vertaling (1997, herzien in 2008) van 'Geen gemeenschap zonder vijanden' (1994, gepubliceerd in Yang in 2002).

4. In correcte opmaak.

5. Het origineel.

Over Thomas Ligotti, de opvolger van Edgar Allan Poe en Howard Phillips Lovecraft, en een prozaïst wiens stijl op zich al verbazingwekkend is, zal ik later nog wel uitweiden.


1 opmerking:

  1. Wat een geweldig mooi antwoord op vraag 10 in het interview!

    [beginning quote]
    A large subject, which only the things I write could give part of the answer to. What I can say is - life is a 'given' you didn't ask for. But as you have been 'lumbered' with it, you might as well make the most of it, appropriate to your talents and temperament. Try to see through everything, accept nothing, be critical always, don't believe but research, explore, question. Life (and what people have made of it) is fascinating. It can be horrible, it can be wonderful, but it doesn't matter - the truth is bigger and more mysterious. We are the measure of everything, but only for our human world. We are only a part of a colossal whole, so be modest, don't take yourself nor the human species too seriously, but don't despise humanity either. If you have something to give, give freely. If you think you understand things better, let others share in what you know. If you have to fight for what you know to be right, fight. Life is short, try to discover what matters most to you and concentrate on that. Expect nothing. Be forever surprised.

    [end quote]
